I have been studying a bit more than usual since the past few days. But I am also doing some other useless, tim wasting activities. For example, I watched SAW last night from 11pm-1am. Before that I watched the OSCARS on the 24 (Tuesday). I wanted to watch it live on Manday, but it was at 1 am. I still had wanted to. But as it happened, I mistook the date and time. I mean on the TV adverts were showing that the OSCARS would be live on 23rd Feb at 1 AM. I still planned to watch it. But instead of sitting at the right time, I thought it would be day next but technically, 23 starts from 12 AM, not when at the psychological time. But luckily there was a repeat telecast at 9 pm on the 24. There's anothe tomorrow at 11 pm. This was the first time I had watched it. It wasn't much fun. But I specifically liked the opening perfomance by Hugh Jackman and also the one by Steve Martin and Tina Fey. Ben Stiller's as good too, but wasn't long enough. Hugh Jackman's is below. But I unfortunately couldn't get the other two.
As for the boards, the first one is on the 4th of this month, its social sciences. Easy enough. I haven't started much of it yet. I have completed chemistry and biology from science, which is the last exam, and am doing Maths right now. I will InshAllah complete everything in time.